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Writer's picturecaffeinatedcricket

Vacant or Occupied

There are only three things a man should want to change about his woman - her last name, her address, and her viewpoint about men.

The difference between "like" "love" and "in love" is the same as the difference between "for now" "for awhile" and "#forever."

My last relationship failed and I want to do better next time. To do better, you are going to have to try... That means being ten times more magnamious than you believe yourself to be capable of being. You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of love. Your life becomes a thousand times better for it. I believe when once you allow yourself to be ready to give and receive love, put your best self out there with as much transparency and sincerity and humor as possible. Both online and in person. Inhabit the beauty that lives in your body and the beauty in others. It is up to you to create a better love story. A bigger love story.

It is of no surprise you have such doubt in this moment. Countless people have been heartbroken and devastated for reasons that cannot be explained or justified in reasonable terms. Sometimes, we feel pinned in place by our suffering. Without knowing your story, I have nothing to give you but my kind words, along with the amount of compassion, empathy and hope that I am thinking of you. I hope knowing someone out there is thinking of you when you most needed it can float you in your darkest hour.

Gloria Steinem said " far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person." I think a lot of people do not understand what real romance is. The journey we take to find love is not going to be average. You have to be fearless to let love transform you. You do not need another human being to make your life complete, but let's be honest, having someone love on you is the most calming thing in this world.

You have to take risks and fail. I am sure love will come back. Love can come back but not if you remain on the wrong track.

We accept the love we think we deserve.

So set healthy boundaries. Communicate mindfully. Take risks and work hard on what actually matters. Trust that inner voice that speaks with love and shut out the inner voice that speaks with hate. Be fearless with our hearts. You can allow someone in and occupy space or let them stay in the doorway waiting to be invited until vacancy is available.

For me, it's easy to give love when someone shows me their soul. This world is so #guarded and #fearful. I appreciate rawness so much. We all have so much love in our hearts that we shouldn't keep it to ourselves. Your actions will either make it a gatekeeper or the gateway to your heart.

I can tell you that when you come across that person, the tiny and everyday things surrounding you - the leaves on the ground, the shade of light in the sky, the #flowers on the table, the background music, a bowl of carrots, a message on the phone - suddenly shimmer with a kind of unreality. You know, when the tiny details take on such #significance. The hours, days change you. Suddenly, the food, #humor, conversation, people and sports, alter in your life. We all experience it differently. For me, I feel love makes me giddy, euphoric, and content, centered. It changes the books I read and how I think about them, the amount of sugar I eat, the miles I run, and how often I sleep in my bed, even changing zip codes. Everything changes ♥

[The original article was published on WordPress but has been updated since December 2021]

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