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Writer's picturecaffeinatedcricket

Painful Carries

Healing is messy.

There will be good and bad days. Many days reminiscing what you could have done to change the outcome and other days you’re happily living your best life. There will be moments you feel completely over the heartbreak or loss and random moments where it all hits you over again. Through it all, remember you are human. It’s normal to feel, to break down, to smile. Take all the time you need to move on.

Just as food is essential for your body, self love is essential for your soul... much like sunsets.

Location: Arizona

I think there is immense pressure to turn every negative into a positive. But I believe you are allowed to say, “ I am going through something difficult and it sucks” or “I went through something really strange and awful and it forever altered, changed me.” We don’t normalize that it’s ok to be not ok.

When your mental health is not in the best state, give yourself a break. Do not feel guilty for things you can’t do. Know that’s it’s ok to struggle.

Just as food is essential for your body, self love is essential for your soul.

But it may take time. It’s ok to not be jolly and full of cheer. Rest, recover, be kind to yourself and know this is temporary. It may not seem like it now, but you will get through this.

I think it’s beautiful, the way we carry pain. Carry it as long as you need to, until it doesn’t hurt you anymore. So you can finally put it down, lay it to rest. Only visit it again to grab the knowledge from the lesson. Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. I hope Christmas was how you imagined or need it to be for you. As you open the first days of 2024, Happy New Year to all of the beautiful imperfections who wake up and keep trying every day… sending out so much love and possibilities for you my friends ♥

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