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Writer's picturecaffeinatedcricket

Having Cake. Still Going to Eat It Too

:: 7 months, 8 days since was hospitalized. 7 months, 8 days feeling everything and nothing. 7 months, 8 days of extreme gratitude and humility and grace. I thank the Lord and my family and friends. I am in the deepest gratitude. I generally write about my musings on love and dating, rarely about myself. I believe that it's best to open your mouth only if what you are about to say is more beautiful than silence. All I have to say is I am grateful for people who lift me up, friends like you and even random strangers. ,.When you relieve suffering in the world, you activate goodness and make the world a better place. As I have written, this is my idea of climate change.

Through gratitude, you make the world better. Gratitude is part of the importance of sharing. There is importance in sharing. So I have decided to share my story.

I have Type 1 Diabetes and Graves' Disease. Some days are a challenge. Worries and schedules and just....low energy. I had no idea what was to take hold. All of it. I am learning to accept the changes and the strength to keep moving.

I can clearly remember the call from my doctor. On autopilot and in my routine, I honestly didn't think I would be driving myself to the emergency room with a glucose level of over 770. I should have been in a coma. I should have had seizures. I should have had my organs fail. I went from a healthy happy 130 to a teetering 85 pounds. My body had finally decided to hit a hard wall and it was not going to let me continue as is.

I am not a typical poster child for Type 1 Diabetes and/or Graves' Disease. It literally is not in my blood, nor my family. I suddenly had two autoimmune diseases invading my body. I am a medical anomaly and my glam squad consists of endocrinologists, nutritionists, and phlebotomists. But diagnosis completely devastated and crushed me. More sadness than I can write or cry over. Then you are gifted with a chance. I do my best. Since my diagnosis on my brother's birthday of July 8, I have had love and support from my friends, especially my dear sweetheart.

Be kind to your body. To your mind. To your feelings. And be even kinder to your beautiful heart. I am in the thick of it but hope to give some hope to others. And even to myself.

It can be overwhelming in the beginning. You want to cry. You are frustrated. You always want to cry. You want to give up. It hurts. Your body is bloated. You lose your hair. You get bruises from the needles. You hate your body. No one tells you all this. So I don't have answers. But I am a person who values transparency and authenticity. I want to share my experience. I want my life to be full. I want to travel with my love. I want to indulge in french fries. I want to never skip dessert. It is about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon again.

I have diabetes and I am doing ok. Albert Einstein once said that there are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Choose the latter.

May we all know good days more than bad days. You will have good days, bad days, overwhelming days, I can't go on days, I am really awesome days, too tired days, but always I need my family and friends today and every day. Yes, it is necessary that you have to reset, refocus. Readjust. Restart. As many times as you need to. Never give up. 192 days later, still the same girl with the same name. Just a different mindset and a new game. Give this world only good energy. Today marks so much more. Today I had cake and still eating my favorite cake ::

:: My body type never skips dessert (Notte's Bon Ton Pastry's Diiplomat Cake) ::

**Original post was published on **

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