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Writer's picturecaffeinatedcricket

Forward Intentions

Have requirements, not expectations.

2023 was easily the toughest year, not for me personally, but for my dearhearts. But sitting here at the beginning of the new year, only a few days from closing out January, I’m feeling grateful. Kinda neat how life shakes us once in a while and brings us exactly what we need to learn. It’s so easy to cruise on auto pilot through life. I know how difficult it is to be there... the space between what used to be: the traditions, the times you loved best, the fun, the stuff, the family, the love.. and what's next. You're not sure what's to come, it's scary for sure.

So I have requirements, not expectations.

Be intentional. Level up the effort. Keep your word. Always be honest. Stay consistent. Those are my requirements, not expectations. Work on being authentic, caring, and kind. The world needs more of that. I need more of that. Let go of the things you can't change and focus on what you can. I strongly believe what is meant for me will happen for me in a way which I could never expect or explain. Nothing can get in the way of it and how it will enter into my life.

Let 2024 be all about using your energy intentionally. Make no apologies for how you choose to create and make a life on your own terms. Be intentional about your time and who you spend it with. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and motivate you. Surround yourself with people you remind you of your worth, especially on the days you can't see it yourself. You deserve a circle that adds value and brings and love to your life.

Be intentional. The world needs more of this. I need more of this.

I often am told I am a lot.

My clapback: you're damn right. I am a lot of woman. With a lot of layers. A lot of personality. A lot of passion. A lot of dreams. A lot of ideas. A lot of strategies. A lot of emotions. A lot of love. Yeah, you are right. I am A LOT. We need other people in our lives who think we are a BIG deal. No competition. No backhanded comments. No jealousy.

Just "I love you. I support you and there is NO ONE on Earth like you."

This is my time and my choice, and I choose to be more. In the end, what matters most is my happiness. Happy with my life, with my world and happy working on me. Keep moving forward and doing things that fill the soul with joy. If you ask me, that's a pretty good place to be or start for 2024 ♥

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