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What if we constantly learned each other like a chosen field of study?

Ever notice if there's a subject that appeals to us, we'll take notice any time it comes up. In fact, it's often like an area of personal study. In the case of #dating, when a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies. But after he wins her heart, he often stops learning about her. This is also true in many cases for women. They start off admiring and building respect but afterwards, those feelings fade and reality reveals a flawed and imperfect "prince."

But if you consider this perspective: if the amount you studied others were equal to a high school diploma, then you should continue to learn about others until you gain a college, master's and/or ultimately a doctorate degree. More than often, I think the problems we have in relating to others is simply because we don't understand them. As I have said it before, we are so despearate to be understood that we forget to be understanding. Every person's character has a back story. And if it's not your story to tell, don't tell it.

Make them your chosen field of study. By wisdom a house is built, and by #understanding it is established and by knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

The secret to a constant great life is a constant state of gratitude.

Problems you face are only as big as you want it to be. If you can choose between a big problem and a small problem, then surely you must have the power to choose between a small problem and no problem at all. You always have an option. Much of what we face in life is all a matter of #perspective. When facing a challenge, decide to simply deal with it and do your best. That's how you gain control. Choose wisely ♥

A quiet room can inhabit the virtues one needs in order to be happy in life: intelligence, friendship, strength and poetry with some beauty of fresh flowers

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It's not about existing. It's not about isolation. It is about a connection to each other.

Some do not want a #relationship. They just want good company. You have the hopeless romcom diehards. And there's people like me - the hopeful romantics. When you have a strong sense of self worth, you are always in good company.

The one thing I know for sure is that feelings are rarely mutual. When they are, drop everything, forget belongings and expectations, forget games. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To love is to risk not being loved in return.

If you stumbled upon it by chance, by accident, take a deep breath and let all the rules, the opinions and common sense crash down around you.

Your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you.

This is what the entire world is after. Because this is love. It is all yours. It is the one thing I know for sure. There is nothing more powerful than the human soul on fire.

You need a reason to be unhappy, but you do not need a reason to be happy. Everything happens at the right time. Nobody is ever early, nobody is ever late. So enjoy being with yourself, and you will never have to wait. Create a beautiful place inside of yourself then begin to expand and build outward. It does not matter who you used to be. It matters who you have become ♥

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bon_vivi_ant_eats • Entree: sausage and egg breakfast pizza l Carb Count: 39 grams per serving • Recipe: Easy Pizza Dough

** Nutrition facts are estimates only **

♥ Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart and nourish your soul. This sausage breakfast pizza is perfect post workout after kicking the weights around and twisting myself into a pretzel at yoga class. Yes, I'm an overachiever and I love my body for what it does.

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